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What is a safe room and how can you prepare one in your home?

 What is a safe room and how can you prepare one in your home?


Hi, I'm Mohamed from Norwegian People's Aid the Conflict Preparedness and Protection Program

Today we are going to talk about the safety room

In general, the shelter is the safest place to take in case of emergency, but in the absence of a shelter, we study the possibility of going down to the lower floors if possible

If you decide to stay in your home, select the safest and least risk posed room, and always avoid the kitchen and bathroom, as well as rooms with windows.

What is the safety room?

The safety room or the safe place is located approximately in the middle of the house or apartment, without windows and far from the external walls of the building. Its area is sufficient for the residents, safety equipment and hibernation materials as well.

In many cases, it is not easy to find a room without windows and external walls to be used as a safe room, and in this case, it is possible to choose a room that offers the best possible protection.

Other factors to take into consideration such as

• the side of the room and what are the walls facing?

• What is the opposite side of the room? Is the room side facing buildings or points that might be targeted?

• Number and size of room windows?

• The level of security in the room and how can we improve the protection inside it?

When do we go to the safe room?

There is no rule for this, but it is a decision of the apartment residents when they feel that they need to enter the safe room.

Some people decide to stay permanently during the conflict, sleep and eat in this place, and others prefer to move to the safe room in the event of an imminent threat of an air strike or when an explosion is heard, and leave when they feel the attack is over.


Thank you for watching the video, if you find any questions please leave them in the comments and you will be answered. Greetings

