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William Shatner boldly went into space for real. Here's what he saw

 William Shatner boldly went into space for real. Here's what he saw

William Shatner boldly went into space for real. Here's what he saw Blue Origin's second human spaceflight has returned to Earth after taking a brief flight to the edge of space Wednesday morning.
Among the four passengers on board — there is no pilot — was William Shatner, the actor who first played the space-traveling Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise. "The covering of blue. This sheet, this blanket, this comforter that we have around. We think, 'Oh, that's blue sky,' " an emotional Shatner said after returning to Earth. "Then suddenly you shoot through it all of the sudden, as though you're whipping a sheet off you when you're asleep, and you're looking into blackness, into black ugliness." At age 90, Shatner is now the oldest person to fly into space. William Shatner,star trek,jeff bezos,breaking news,william shatner space,captain kirk,blue origin,william Shatner space flight,stock market,william shatner blue origin,william shatner rocket man,william shatner going to space,william shatner space blue origin,william shatner space launch,William Shatner launch,William Shatner interview,william shatner going to space live,William shatner landing,william shatner live "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, diverting myself in now & then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me," he said in a tweet after landing.

